Becoming a Limitless Man: Love

Love: It’s all about connection

Connection is your ability to care about, connect, find common ground, and get along with other people.


You can disconnect from other people in many ways:

  1. Fear (I’m afraid to meet other people)
  2. Disconnected mindset (more concerned with video games or work than the people there)
  3. Being nice rather than real. (this can build resentment)
  4. Being unauthentic. Helping other people and expecting something rather than just being helpful.


  • Reverse Time travel meditation (picture yourself in 5 years talking to yourself now. What would they say?)
  • Never eat alone (not at work or when you’re out or whenever.)
  • Future pace (where will you be in 5 years and what’s the path forward to that)
  • Direct approach (go talk to people)
  • Appreciation and Gratitude for your life

For more on this please visit my friend Rick at: