Love: It’s all about connection
Connection is your ability to care about, connect, find common ground, and get along with other people.
You can disconnect from other people in many ways:
- Fear (I’m afraid to meet other people)
- Disconnected mindset (more concerned with video games or work than the people there)
- Being nice rather than real. (this can build resentment)
- Being unauthentic. Helping other people and expecting something rather than just being helpful.
- Reverse Time travel meditation (picture yourself in 5 years talking to yourself now. What would they say?)
- Never eat alone (not at work or when you’re out or whenever.)
- Future pace (where will you be in 5 years and what’s the path forward to that)
- Direct approach (go talk to people)
- Appreciation and Gratitude for your life
For more on this please visit my friend Rick at: