Inspiring Song of the Day – Stubborn Love by the Lumineers

I avoid posting love songs, but this one had a few points that I like.

She’ll tear a hole in you. The one you can’t repair.

But I still lover her I don’t even care.

I like these lyrics because they speak of following something that you want without justification.

It’s better to feel pain, than nothing at all.

These speak of understanding that failure is okay and a heck of a lot better than being forever stuck.

The Limitless Man: The Four Pillars of Manhood

  1. Integrity. Say what you’re going to do and do what you say you will.
    Do not judge or blame yourself for your failures, but do take responsibility for them.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.Girl doesn’t call back? Don’t take it personally.
    Job doesn’t work out? Don’t take it personally.
    Got a speeding ticket? Don’t take it personally.
    Get the hint?
  3. Don’t make assumptions.Girl is too pretty and she’d never like you? Don’t assume that.
    You’re not smart enough for that job? Don’t assume that.
    You’ll never be able to get a college degree? Don’t assume that.
    Things will work out in the end? Don’t assume that!
  4. Always put forth your best effort.We can’t lie to ourselves. You know when you’re doing 100% and when you’re not. Enough said!

Becoming a Limitless Man: Power

Your power is your ability to affect change in your life.
We limit our power in several ways.


We can feel shame for many, many things. As men this is especially true when dealing with women. If you look at a beautiful woman you can be accused of objectifying them. If you’re attracted to younger women, you’re accused of being a pervert. If talk to a very pretty girl and you’re not the reincarnation of Adonis himself, then they think you’re weird. As men, it’s very hard to throw off the shame imposed on us by others so that we can go for what we want.

Shame can be overcome by recognizing that you should live with no regrets and you don’t need any justification to follow what you want and what you are going for.

Q: “Why are you hiking that mountain? I don’t understand. It’s 16 miles and you’re going to be sore and tired and dirty and gross and you might die”
A: “Because I want to”
Q: “Why are you checking out that girl!?!?”
A: “Because I think she’s beautiful.”
Q: “Why do guys like big boobs?”
A: “I don’t know, but I like them too.”

Lack of focus

You can spend large amounts of time watching TV, playing games, and puttering around and not get anything done.

Overcoming a lack of focus can be done in a couple of ways. One way is to go on a media fast. Get rid of our TV, Video Games, and other mindless entertainment. A second way is to journal. If you want something you need to journal about it to know that you’re making progress. A third way is to master your first hour. This is the first hour in your day that can set the mood for the whole day. A fourth thing is to do the worst thing first. If you’ve got a particularly nasty thing to do one day, do it first so that everything else that day becomes easier. There are hundreds of books on getting things done.


Sometimes you’re afraid to do something and you’re shy or you need help and are afraid to ask for it.

Overcoming timidity is difficult. Especially if you’re on your own. However, you can cultivate friends, buddies, wing-men, and others to help give you courage. Also, you must actually put forth effort and go out and DO! If you don’t, you’ll never get past this point. You can also use accountability buddies who will make sure that you do what you’re supposed to.

Fear of failure

You fear the social pressure of failure. As men we’re meant to succeed and dealing with failure is not an easy thing.
The only thing to say about this is life is about the journey. There is no failure, there is only feedback. Make sure when you fail, you learn something from it so you get feedback and can improve.

Fear of Success

We fear that if we succeed we’ll be given more responsibility than we can handle. “I can barely take care of myself, how am I going to take care of a wife and family?”
One of the pivotal, central, core parts to being a man is to take responsibility for yourself and your life. If it isn’t what you want, then it’s your fault and you need to do something about it. If you don’t do it. Nobody else will.

Negative Conditioning

This is social pressure caused by others around us and taught to us when we’re young. “Go to college and get a college degree”, “Make sure you make a lot of money”, “Never ask for help as men do things by themselves” are all some lessons that men get taught growing up.

Rest and Recovery

Power needs rest. Make sure you have sufficient sleep. Take a day off every week where you can just goof off, but work hard the rest of the week. This goes for diets as well. If you eat perfect 6 days and bad 1 day, you’ll look awesome.

For more on this please visit my friend Rick at:

Becoming a Limitless Man: Love

Love: It’s all about connection

Connection is your ability to care about, connect, find common ground, and get along with other people.


You can disconnect from other people in many ways:

  1. Fear (I’m afraid to meet other people)
  2. Disconnected mindset (more concerned with video games or work than the people there)
  3. Being nice rather than real. (this can build resentment)
  4. Being unauthentic. Helping other people and expecting something rather than just being helpful.


  • Reverse Time travel meditation (picture yourself in 5 years talking to yourself now. What would they say?)
  • Never eat alone (not at work or when you’re out or whenever.)
  • Future pace (where will you be in 5 years and what’s the path forward to that)
  • Direct approach (go talk to people)
  • Appreciation and Gratitude for your life

For more on this please visit my friend Rick at:

Becoming a Limitless Man: Truth

I went to a quick little seminar called “Becoming a Limitless Man”. It discussed some of the ways we limit ourselves and how to recognize our limits, overcome them, and grow in strength. Here’s my take:

Truth: Things as they actually are

Truth is things as they actually are. It doesn’t care about your viewpoint, others viewpoints, opinions, beliefs, hopes, dreams, or anything else. It is the actual reality. It is rare for us to see and recognize the real truth.

Beliefs limit us from seeing the truth

Our reality is distorted by our beliefs. These beliefs come from lots of different places. Some of them are formed by our past experiences.

  • “Every time I ask for a girls’ phone number she says no”
  • “Every time I go back home for vacation my mom nags me”

Lots of time these past experience beliefs become created in absolutist terms.

They can come from social conditioning. Our friends, family, mentors, teachers, religious authority figures, all give us some of their advice, knowledge, and experience. Then we accept their beliefs as our own.

  • “It’s good to be married”
  • “Drinking alcohol is bad”
  • “You shouldn’t ask that person out as they’re not good for you”

Another way to generate beliefs are from Secondary Gain or the “Good Enough Syndrome”.

  • “I keep my job because it gives me money even though it drives me crazy.”
  • “My boyfriend is nice to me and takes care of me even though I don’t really like him.”

Limiting beliefs

Now not all beliefs are bad, some of them are good. If you get sick whenever you drink milk, the truth is you’re probably lactose intolerant. Your experience taught you that and no amount of believing otherwise is going to change that. However, when you can identify a belief as unreal. Like, “I’m lonely” when you actually have a lot of friends. Or “I’m fat” when you’re actually skinny. These are false beliefs that are harming you and you need to over come them and embrace the truth.

Paths to overcoming our truth

1. Try new things for 30 days
2. Social conditioning can be overcome by learning to trust yourself
3. Remove yourself from media
4. Travel. Traveling is fatal to prejudice
5. Simply getting older will give you more experience which will help you see the truth
6. Cultivate the observing ego

For more on this please visit my friend Rick at:

Bucket Lists – The Year List

Now everyone should definitely have a year list. Most people’s lists are actually merged into one year list. As though they’re going to travel to all the countries they want to see and learn all the languages they want to learn and play all the musical pieces they want to play and see the things they want to see all before the next December 31st. However, we’re a little wiser than that. Every year I have a ritual during the Christmas vacation, where I take a look at my bucket lists and start scheduling items into the next year. This year I have these items:

  • Visit the Moving Rocks on Racetrack Playa in Death Valley in January
  • Visit Joshua Tree in February
  • Hike Mt. Baldy in April
  • Hike the Grand Canyon in April
  • Hike Half Dome in June
  • Go to Electric Daisy Carnival in July
  • Go to Burning Man in August
  • Hike the Narrows in Zion in September

The important part about these is that they are scheduled. If you never set a date, it’ll always be on the list and not on the calendar and it’ll never get done. I use google calendar all the time for this.

Now, some things will come up and you’ll have to reschedule things. For example, January is almost over and I didn’t make it to the moving rocks. That’s because I decided I wanted to go during a moonless night to take pictures of the Milky Way. The first opportunity I will have after I made that decision was in February. So I’ll go to Joshua tree in January instead. Last year I wanted to see the California Poppy Reserve, but because of lack of rain, there wasn’t a good bloom so I moved it to this year. Things happen, things come up, emergencies and holidays and people getting married or hurt, but the list allow us to roll with the punches and not wake up ten years later and realize that we never did what we wanted to do. After all, that’s what we work hard to do. Men are, that they might have joy.